En estos días en los que el fanatismo religioso está demostrando lo miserable que pueden llegar a ser los llamados animales racionales -nada nuevo bajo el sol-, os traigo esta historia en la que las diferencias religiosas quedan a un lado para dejar paso a valores como el honor, la solidaridad, la compasión… y todo eso precisamente es Besa. [Besa e shqiptarit nuk shitet pazarit, el honor de un albanés no puede ser vendido o comprado en un bazar]
Al comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Albania era una monarquía dependiente económica y militarmente de Italia. Así que, cuando los italianos la ocuparon y el rey Zog I huyó -eso sí, con todo el oro que pudo-, apenas cambiaron las cosas. En estas fechas, el número de judíos en Albania apenas llegaba a los 200… cuando terminó la guerra eran más de 3.000. Los judíos que huían de los países ocupados por los nazis encontraron refugio en Albania… un país de mayoría musulmana. Los organismos gubernamentales proporcionaron documentación falsa a las familias judías que les permitía entremezclarse entre el resto de la población y los albaneses proporcionaron sus casas y sus escasos recursos para acogerlos.
Las cosas se complicaron en 1943 cuando fueron los nazis los que, a petición de Mussolini, tomaron Albania. Al igual que hicieron en el resto de la Europa ocupada, los nazis solicitaron a las autoridades locales los listados de los judíos residentes en el país… pero obtuvieron un no por respuesta. ¿Por qué un país de mayoría musulmana se implicó en salvar a los judíos poniendo en juego su propia vida?
No hicimos nada especial. Es Besa -así responden los albaneses- .
Según el profesor Saimir Lloja, de la Asociación de Fraternidad Albano-Israel,
Besa es la regla de oro, es un código moral, una norma de conducta social, además de una antigua tradición.[…] Besa se trata, en esencia, de no ser indiferentes ante alguien que sufre o es perseguido. Es una autoexigencia moral que le pide a cada albanés que viva honestamente y que -llegado el caso- también se sacrifique.

Alí Sheqer Pashkaj, fotografiado por Norman Gershman. Su padre, también llamado Alí, salvó al joven judío Yasha Bayuhovio, con sombrero mexicano en una de las fotos
Herman Bernstein, embajador de Estados Unidos a Albania en los años 30, escribió:
No hay rastro de ningún tipo de discriminación contra los judíos en Albania […] Albania ha pasado a ser un lugar raro en Europa hoy en día, donde no existe el odio ni los prejuicios religiosos, a pesar de que los albaneses mismos están divididos en tres religiones.
Información Bitacoras.com
Valora en Bitacoras.com: TweetEn estos días en los que el fanatismo religioso está demostrando lo miserable que pueden llegar a ser los llamados animales racionales -nada nuevo bajo el sol-, os traigo esta historia en la que las diferencias religio…
Actualmente vivo en Albania y puedo dar fe de que es un pueblo acogedor, cálido y amistoso (aunque tienen siempre cara de enfado, eso no se por qué…). No me extraña nada esta historia, sinceramente, va con ellos. Recomiendo buscar información acerca del «Kanun», un antiguo código de conducta que ha calado hondo en la sociedad albanesa.
Un saludo y gracias por estas historias 🙂
No niego la historia. Mas luego llego Enver Hoxa al poder y persiguió todas las religiones declarando al país ateo por 40 años.
Enver Hoxa y los comunistas fueron la resistencia durante la ocupación nazi y cuando terminó la guerra implantó un gobierno comunista.
Exacto. Ytuvo fama por su hermetismo y crueldad.
Lo que nos indica que no todo es fanatismo en este mundo. Y que hay gente que merece la pena, independientemente de su credo.
Un saludo.
Ojalá que de los que salvaron no haya salido Netanyahu…
[…] Besa, el código de honor albanés que salvó a cientos de judíos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial […]
Hola Javier, gracias por compartir, excelente sitio.
Te escribí un e-mail.
así planteado queda muy romántico y caballeresco, pero a mi parecer esos códigos son una lacra, son fuentes de eternas vendettas, las «deudas de sangre» y «códigos de honor» en Albania condenan a miles de niños y mujeres a no salir de sus casas de por vida, porque existe la obligación de asesinarlas por parte de la otra familia, en un círculo vicioso infernal que no cesa; eso ha sido objeto de numerosas denuncias y ha sido debatido incluso en el parlamento europeo; son miles los asesinatos de inocentes por esta causa, cuidado.
Aquí algunos artículos, recuerden que las cifras oficiales están muy por debajo de las reales:
este en ingles:
Me encanta tu blog, enhorabuena, solo sugiero que completes los artículos con la otra cara de la moneda
You should read the Kanun you ugly pig.it is said»who killes,should be killed» and it says that womens and childrens neser should be touch,ok????learn then talk….
ciertamente lo de las mujeres es un error mio «ugly-pig-your-father», pero del resto, no me vengas con cuentos y pasen ya al siglo XXI, no han hecho ma que matarse unos a otros como tribus primitivas escudándose en un código medieval, vergüenza debería darles
16 de septiembre de 2013 • 04:59
Unos 600 niños albaneses encerrados en sus casas para evitar vendetta
Unos 600 niños albaneses y otras tantas mujeres viven encerrados en sus casas para evitar ser víctimas de una vendetta, declaró a la AFP Gjin Marku, un dirigente de una ONG local.
Según un informe del «Comité de Reconciliación», 600 mujeres y 590 niños viven encerrados en sus casas, por temor a que los maten.
«La mayoría de esos niños (…) no pueden ir a la escuela», afirmó Marku.
Las autoridades albanesas a cargo de la Educación implementaron el año pasado proyectos de educación individual en sus hogares para estos niños.
El fenómeno de la vendetta, que continúa causando víctimas, está presente sobre todo en las regiones del norte de Albania pobladas por albaneses de confesión católica.
La «Gjakmarrja», venganza de sangre, data del siglo XV. Forma parte del «Kanun» -código civil o código de honor- establecido por un príncipe del norte, Lek Dukagjini, para reglamentar la vida cotidiana.
Albania is 3.2mln people,but albanians nearby in montenegro,croatia,serbia,kosova,macedonia,greece goes more then 12milion people,but with help of russians and other aleats,slaves and greek have thousand of years that make war to albanias,even today cold war is happening,greeks trying to convert villages on south,serbs on north,ect ect,and wars bring poorness and foolness,even today some villages uses Kanun,yes and its really wrong but the Albanian language and Albanians have survived from this code,called KANUN,learn for this people and dont do like a civilizate country,dont tell me that you are with ETA??!!!
ciertamente lo de las mujeres es un error mio «pretty-stupid-barbarian-pig», pero del resto, no me vengas con cuentos y pasen ya al siglo XXI, no han hecho mas que matarse unos a otros como tribus primitivas escudándose en un código medieval, vergüenza debería darles, y de paso mantener las mayores Y MAS CRUELES mafias de Europa de trafico de mujeres y de heroína, vergüenza….
16 de septiembre de 2013 • 04:59
Unos 600 niños albaneses encerrados en sus casas para evitar vendetta
Unos 600 niños albaneses y otras tantas mujeres viven encerrados en sus casas para evitar ser víctimas de una vendetta, declaró a la AFP Gjin Marku, un dirigente de una ONG local.
Según un informe del «Comité de Reconciliación», 600 mujeres y 590 niños viven encerrados en sus casas, por temor a que los maten.
«La mayoría de esos niños (…) no pueden ir a la escuela», afirmó Marku.
Las autoridades albanesas a cargo de la Educación implementaron el año pasado proyectos de educación individual en sus hogares para estos niños.
El fenómeno de la vendetta, que continúa causando víctimas, está presente sobre todo en las regiones del norte de Albania pobladas por albaneses de confesión católica.
La «Gjakmarrja», venganza de sangre, data del siglo XV. Forma parte del «Kanun» -código civil o código de honor- establecido por un príncipe del norte, Lek Dukagjini, para reglamentar la vida cotidiana.
You pig where are you from?Spain?where ETA killes thousand of spanish people.Kanun is an old code and yes there are some zones with some people that are poor and unalphabet that uses the Kanun again,but to talk about this you should know the history of albanian,the wars and the unlimited enemys,even it isnt a war in todays ballcan I can say that is the cold war happen,greece trying to convert with money villages on south,serbians too in north,turks trying too and the the fucking politions that here the europe for everything,greece keeps occupied Cameria,the west of greece today,till preveza is albanian land but it will be again,at north to the nish of todays serbia…but what can I say to you,nothing just Albania never did war to conquer,always by defending but soon the day will come.
I will not discuss details on Balkans history which I know pretty well related to Yugoslavian área; you are exposing the Great Albanian Project according to which whole tha Balkans are albanian; because I know history I know how albanians where used by ottoman empire to divide serbian lands of Montenegro and Serbia encouraging colonization of Sandjak and so on….I will not go into details please, stop with that; every one in Balkans has its own project of Great Nation (bulgarians, greeks, albanians, croats, serbs, hungarians)….don’t say Nis is albanian please; have mercy of thousands of serbs oppresed by albanians for centuries, when they were forbiden even wearing a knife……I know some things about that, let’s stop here
Haahahhaha,I will tell you short history writted by foreign historians,serbs means servs-servants of Byzantin empire and they came on ballcan at 7-th century,greeks are modern greeks cause has nothing to do with the old one,untill 1821 was populated with arvanites(albanians) and albanian was most talked language ,and arvanites gave the biggest tribute for greece indipendence,this is the video made but greek historians,and they similated all orthodox albanians,expect most of them knows the truth and they speak yet albanian…however it is called Ethnic Albania cause is the only state in the world that is divided but albanian people and albanian lands
yes, foreign historians specially Malcolm (pro NATO shit) sucks, but please, don’t teach me serbian history which almost surely know better tan you, and don’t repeat stupid theories fully discredited theories like that of «serbian = servant», better you should focus on the mytho-history invented by Enver Hoxa to créate a national albanian identity; really, I don’t want to discuss history in detail, I see you live on the Greater Albanian myth
and do not justify on poverty and history the fact that albanians have set the cruelest amfias of drug smugling, women traficking, organs harvesting and so on
Well tell me in the psichologhy way,why this happen???!!!!Albanians have sufferd for to to long and its happening again and again cause are some motherfuckers greeks and serbs that dont want peace,but intrigues ect ect,come one man,mafia is ruled by the law of jungle,and in jungle the most suffered man learns most from the life,and the pains makes him stronger,and the strongest rules….
and yes, I guess albanians forgot Kanun in Kosovo when killing children and burning women alive………we are in XXI century, respect NNUU Universal Human Rights, thats all
Killing women and burning childs,serbian paramilitary did this to albanians of Kosova and Fucking rusia protected milloshevic to europe cause there was good relationship with russia
that must be a joke, albanians suffering again and again ??? yes, like all balkan people, but serbians never hide under great powers to opress others like albanians under ottomans, then under Germans nazis, and now under nazis-NATO; serbs always fought agains austrohungarians and ottomans, so don’t feel yourselves victims
Serbs are the bitch of russia,serbs never did war with Albania,serbs never made war with an army,but they massacre childs and violeted inocent albanian womens of kosova.The krajl of serbia gave his doughter for wife to the sulltan,and the biggest protector of Christianity do you know who is he????? Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeu kryqetari I fundit which was stopped by Krajl of serbia when he was going to Huniad of Hungary in war against Ottomans,cause serbs was collaborating with ottomans….I am from Mirdita which was never touched by no empire,even at roman empire was known as Pirustia and was never conquerd.I am catholic,I have been since 1 or 2-nd century,but you spanish should thanks roman empire cause you would be muslim today dont you????
Blood Feuds
The institution of the «blood feud» is the little-known but highly-destructive male counterpart to «honour» killings of women. Every year, at least a thousand men and boys die in blood-feud killings in Albania alone; the lives of tens of thousands more are spent in isolation and perpetual fear. Women and girls are virtually never targeted.
Focus (4): The Balkans
The Balkans, along with the Caucasus region, Sicily, and Corsica, are the areas where the «blood feud» still holds greatest sway today. (In the past, the institution was also prominent in Scotland — and in the U.S. region of Appalachia, as with the famous feud between the Hatfields and McCoys.)
The institution of the blood feud is most virulent in the malësi (mountain regions) of northern Albania, spilling over into the territory that is today the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. The institution has its roots in the Kanun (canon) of Lek Dukagjin, a legal code compiled in the fifteenth century that enshrined «many customary practices which went back much further into the past,» according to Noel Malcolm. Malcolm writes that
The importance of the Kanun to the ordinary life of the Albanians of Kosovo and the Malësi can hardly be exaggerated. … One leading scholar has summed up the basic principles of the Kanun as follows. The foundation of it all is the principle of personal honour. Next comes the equality of persons. From these flows a third principle, the freedom of each to act in accordance with his own honour, within the limits of the law, without being subject to another’s command. And the fourth principle is the word of honour, the besë … which creates a situation of inviolable trust. Gjeçov’s version of the Kanun [«the fullest and most authoritative text»] decrees: «An offence to honour is not paid for with property, but by spilling of blood or a magnanimous pardon.» And it specifies the ways of dishonouring a man, of which the most important are calling him a liar in front of other men; insulting his wife; taking his weapons; or violating his hospitality. … This was very much a man’s world. … Women had their honour, but it existed through, and was defended by, men. (Malcolm, Kosovo: A Short History [London: Papermac, 1998], pp. 18-19.)
The blood feud was the result of perceived violations of this code of «honour.» It «is one of the most archaic features of northern Albanian society,» notes Malcolm. «… What lies at the heart of the blood-feud is a concept alien to the modern mind, and more easily learned about from the plays of Aeschylus than from the works of modern sociologists: the aim is not punishment of a murderer, but satisfaction of the blood of the person murdered — or, initially, satisfaction of one’s own honour when it has been polluted. If retribution were the real aim, then only those personally responsible for the original crime or insult would be potential targets; but instead, honour is cleansed by killing any male member of the family of the original offender, and the spilt blood of that victim then cries out to its own family for purification.» The blood feud granted blanket exemption to females, the killing of whom was seen as a profound violation of a man’s personal honour. «The strongest taboo of all concerned the murder of women, and any woman could walk through raging gunfire in the knowledge that she would never be shot at.» (Malcolm, Kosovo: A Short History, pp. 19-20.)
In his study of the blood-feud in the Yugoslav province of Montenegro, Christopher Boehm gives a vivid picture of the surreal lengths to which this gender-selectivity is carried:
In the old days, women were free to come and go as they chose under feuding conditions, since taking their blood did nothing to help the blood score and also counted as a dishonor, morally speaking. Thus, their normal daily activities could continue. But men were sorely pressed when it came to doing any work other than herding, which allowed them to stay under cover with a rifle ready at all times. In 1965 [at the time of field research] it was for this reason that women still did so much of the heavier work in the fields, so I was told by the slightly apologetic Montenegrin «male chauvinists,» who viewed this as a once-necessary custom formed in an earlier era. … Whatever might happen to the men during a feud, the women were always free to keep the household economy going because the rules of feuding were taken so seriously by the opposing party.
With respect to the sanctity of women, it was even possible for them to enter directly into combat during the first stage of a feud, when the killer’s clan shut itself in and the victim’s clan attacked the fortified stone farmhouse, which had loopholes [for firing rifles] everywhere. With no fear of being harmed, women could carry straw and firebrands up to the house to try to burn it. Also, women of a besieged house could go outside at night carrying torches, to light up the enemy so that their own men could shoot at them. This exemplifies the strength of these particular rules: to shoot a woman was a source of shame (sramota) for the entire clan. (Boehm, Blood Revenge: The Anthropology of Feuding in Montenegro and Other Tribal Societies [Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1984], pp. 111-12.)
The death-toll exacted by the blood feud has historically been heavy for Balkans men. «At the end of the Ottoman period it was estimated that 19 percent of all adult male deaths in the Malësi were blood-feud murders, and that in an area of Western Kosovo with 50,000 inhabitants, 600 died in these feuds every year.» (Malcolm, Kosovo: A Short History, p. 20.) In Albania, the feuds gave rise to another enduring institution: the «sworn virgin,» women who «cut their hair short, wear trousers and drink fiery local brandy with the men.» According to Julius Strauss, «The tradition of the sworn virgins was born of necessity in this barren land racked by war, blood feuds and intense poverty. In times past when the male line of a family was wiped out, such a virgin was entitled to take over as the head of the family.» (Strauss, «The Virgins Who Live Like Men,» The Daily Telegraph [UK], February 6, 1997.)
Blood feuds generally declined in the Balkans after the Second World War, as the authoritarian rulers of Albania (Enver Hoxha) and Yugoslavia (Josip Broz Tito) clamped down on practices that were seen as a legacy of the feudal past. In Albania, however, the blood feud has returned with — one might say — a vengeance. It has also spread from the traditional heartland of the Malësi to Tirana, the capital, and to the south of the country.
The origins of the current blood-feud crisis in Albania date to the collapse of the communist regime in 1991, and the weakness of the quasi-democratic government that replaced it. From 1992 to 1996, «press reports in Tirana» spoke of «more than 5,000 murders linked to vendettas in the past four years.» (Branko Jolis, «Honour Killing Makes a Comeback,» The Guardian [UK], August 14, 1996.) It is worth noting that this rate of approximately 1,250 men killed in blood feuds annually is slightly greater than the number of known «honour» killings of women in Pakistan — in a country with about 1/35th the population. Estimates of fatalities are made difficult by the fact that many blood-feud murders go unreported. As one Albanian clan leader told The New York Times, «People don’t want to report killings to the police because then the accused would be protected by the state in prison instead of being available to kill.» (Jane Perlez, «Blood Feuds Draining a Fierce Corner of Albania,» The New York Times, April 15, 1998.)
In March 1997, the post-communist regime was rocked by «the collapse of enormous, government-endorsed pyramid investment schemes. The public looted army weapons depots as furious investors clashed with security forces. Roughly 1 million firearms are said to be in circulation in a Balkan nation of only 3.2 million.» (Michael J. Jordan, «In Albania, A Return to ‘Eye for Eye'», The Christian Science Monitor, August 7, 1997.) Between 1,600 and 5,000 Albanians died in the ensuing six months, and «revenge killings skyrocketed.» (Perlez, «Blood Feuds.») In 1998, Gjin Mekshi, a leader of the Committee of Blood Reconciliation in the town of Shkoder, stated that «In some families there are no men left,» although «So far no women have been killed.» (Owen Bowcott, «Thousands of Albanian Children in Hiding to Escape Blood Feuds,» The Guardian [UK], September 30, 1998.)
In addition to the thousands killed, tens of thousands of men live in fear and seclusion as a result of the blood feuds. Mihaela Rodina cites estimates by Albanian non-governmental organizations that «the men of some 25,000 families in northern Albania live thus, never going out of the house for fear of being victims of … feuding. The women, who are unaffected by the kanun, are left alone to provide for the family’s needs.» (Rodina, «Blood Code Rules in Northern Albania,» Agence France-Presse dispatch, June 30, 1999.) In 1997, The Christian Science Monitor interviewed one man in Shkoder who «ha[d] been homebound for six years … The man says he dreams of escaping with a visa to America. ‘This is actually worse than prison,’ he says, standing in his fenced-in garden. ‘At least in prison I’d know that one day I could get out.'» Even school-age boys must remain cloistered: «up to 6,000 children [were] said to be hiding» in 1998. (Bowcott, «Thousands of Albanian Children.») (For a 2008 report from Albania, see Nicola Smith, «Blood Feuds Trap 1,200 Albanian Youths At Home», The Sunday Times, January 20, 2008.)
The resurgence of the blood feud has led Gjin Mekshi and others to join forces in an attempt to reconcile feuding families. «The Committee of Blood Reconciliation has 3,000 members in Albania and is pressing the government to accept its arbitrations as part of the legal process. ‘I have a good reputation and my father was a man of good reputation, too,’ says Mr. Mekshi. ‘I am approached to arrange truces by those who are in hiding and dare not go out during the day. When we agree a deal, we sanctify the arrangement with a procession led by the local priest.» (Bowcott, «Thousands of Albanian Children.») Albanian Radio reported in August 2000 that «Seven hundred and fifty-six blood feuds have been reconciled, allowing the people involved to put an end to self-confinement at home.» (BBC Worldwide Monitoring, August 10, 2000.) In neighbouring Kosovo, a similar campaign was mounted in the 1990s by Anton Çetta. (Malcolm, Kosovo: A Short History, p. 20.) Nonetheless, according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the success of such campaigns has been «only limited.» («Albanian Blood Feuds Affect 210,000,» Deutsche Presse-Agentur, March 11, 2000.) «The feuds have very deep roots,» said Perlat Ramgaj, mayor of the town of Koplik. «They’re ingrained on our souls, and in this period of transition people feel free to do just about anything.» (Quoted in Helena Smith, «Lost Land Where Vengeance is Written in Blood,» The Guardian [UK], February 12, 1995.)
1000 per year??????????????????wwaaawww che propaganda against my country…………….well I live in albania,but maybe you know better….
Por supuesto, los códigos son malos por ser códigos y no porque haya algunas reglas que lo sean, y que se pueden quitar. Que se entienda mal el honor no significa que la besa sea igual de buena 😉
No hombre, romántico queda, pero tienes que entender que ese código no se usa para todo. Aquí tienen aplicado el derecho romano y las leyes europeas desde hace no demasiadas décadas, pero en las regiones remotas en las que apenas eres capaz de llegar en todo terreno y la modernidad aún no ha llegado, pues si se siguen rigiendo por sus códigos de conducta tradicionales. De todos modos, el Kanun tiene cosas muy bonitas (como acoger al forastero como si fuera un amigo) y otras un poco rarunas si las vemos con nuestros ojos occidentales del siglo XXI (como lo que dices de las venganzas, el ojo por ojo).
No obstante, fíjate que lo de la venganza de sangre puede sonar muy duro, pero si lo piensas un poco tiene hasta lógica. El que comete un asesinato (siempre que sea hombre) debe morir. La familia de la victima tiene el derecho de matarlo. Ahora bien, el asesino puede salvar la vida con la condición de que cumpla una cadena perpétua en su casa.
¿Qué se debería hacer con estos núcleos (me recuerdan a la aldea de Asterix) de resistencia a la modernidad?
Un saludo.
Supongo que mejorar las comunicaciones para que no haya aislamiento. Además, las ideologías (seas las que sean) son vivas y van cambiando, y más si es tradición (que no religión). El Kanun puede cambiar sin tener que perder su seña de identidad. Eso sin olvidar que posiblemente ese Kódigo exista por el hecho de que lo remoto del sitio y que dime tú como podías aplicar la justicia allí XD. Además, no hablamos de Kanun, sino del Besa, que no se si está incluído 😛
Siempre es agradable leer estas historias sobre la bondad humana que lamentablemente no tienen toda la difusión que deberían porque Hollywood no se ha fijado en (o ni siquiera ha tenido noticia de) ellas. Sabemos de Oskar Schindler por la película de Spielberg, pero no de otros que salvaron muchas más vidas, como los diplomáticos de países neutrales en el Budapest ocupado por los nazis. La historia del diplomático español Sanz Briz merece mucha más difusión que una miniserie en TVE, como también la merecen la del sueco Raoul Wallenberg y otros héroes que arriesgaron sus vidas por salvar las de miles de personas cuyo único futuro era el campo de exterminio.
Precisamente en el programa de Gente Despierta (RNE) hablé de «otros Schindler»: el ángel de Budapest, matrimonio Zabinski, Irena Sendler… (desde el minuto 20)
Muchas gracias por el link, Javier. A los que no podemos quedarnos hasta tarde escuchando la radio nos vienen de maravilla los podcasts 🙂
[…] noticia original […]
[…] En estos días en los que el fanatismo religioso está demostrando lo miserable que pueden llegar a ser los llamados animales racionales -nada nuevo bajo el sol-, […]
[…] noticia original […]
Que tristeza comprobar como ni siquiera sabía esto, ha sido emocionante descubrirlo, desde ahora pensaré en los albaneses con un infinito respeto.
[…] En estos días en los que el fanatismo religioso está demostrando lo miserable que pueden llegar a ser los llamados animales racionales -nada nuevo bajo el sol-, os traigo esta historia en la que las diferencias religiosas quedan a un lado para dejar paso a valores como el honor, la solidaridad, la compasión… y todo eso precisamente es Besa. [Besa e shqiptarit nuk shitet pazarit, el honor de un albanés no puede ser vendido o comprado en un bazar] […]
Hasta 1948 no había especial animadversión entre judíos y musulmanes. Los odios eran entre cristianos y judíos. No hay que juzgar los hechos del pasado por los prejuicios actuales.
[…] >> extraído de: http://historiasdelahistoria.com/2014/09/16/besa-el-codigo-de-honor-albanes-que-salvo-a-cientos-de-j… […]
[…] Fuente: Historias de la Historia. […]
Besa-me el culo.
[…] cerradosdebido a la abundancia de infanto-nazis-comunistas en Taringa. Fuentes de Informacion : historiasdelahistoria.com Viernes 3 oct […]
muy bueno.